Free download Storyboard Tools

Storyboard Tools

Storyboard Tools is for film-makers, directors & storyboard artists who want to storyboard a movie on a PC
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1.7 release 2

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Storyboard Tools, here is all that a film director, storyboard artist and film-maker wants to storyboard a movie on a PC in an organized way.
This organizational tool helps to build up an entire storyboard project on the computer screen by taking images from various sources and can be printed in a portable form to be taken on set. This tool stores a caption and any amount of text along with the images. This text can be used to automatically generate tables of information once a project is complete. This will let you know what to shoot next. This tool has specialized drawing tools and can store any amount of text with each image. It can maintain an entire storyboard project and stores everything as one file. It features swap, cut, copy and paste images as well as it can swap, renumber and delete whole scenes. It also generates checklists for location shooting as well it even generates a web page. It features a separate program for slide show with editing effects.
With this organizational tool keep all your storyboards together as a single project and storyboard a movie on a PC.

Publisher's description

Storyboard Tools is an organisational tool, primarily of interest to film directors, storyboard artists and film-makers generally. Images from various sources may be used to build up an entire storyboard project on the computer screen which may then be printed in a form portable enough to be taken on set. Storyboard Tools stores text along with the images. Once a project is complete this text can be used to automatically generate tables of information which may used when filming.
In addition, a web page can be generated from the project at the click of a button. Storyboard Tools has its own drawing tool with specialised features for storyboarding. A "visualiser" program lets you view images in sequence, and play around with a number of editing effects including fades and dissolves.
Storyboard Tools
Storyboard Tools
Version 1.7
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